Will you revisit my blog?

Just a post

Well today I am not feeling the best, so you will be getting a blog about the day without proof reading.

My ex boyfriend stops by today to see what is happening. I am hungry and I ask him if he wants to go get something to eat. We eneded up sharing a meal like old times. Why in the world can we have so much fun together and not be together.

I have never stopped loving him, but after four months of trying to win him back when we were supposed to be just friends I gave up. I mean, why bother? It hurts so bad to have him come by and spend the night and then have him wake up to leave and expect me not to call.

Why in the world does he even come over anymore? It is mixed emotions for me, but I gave up on us. I quit calling and trying to do everything right because I just gave so much that I had nothing to give anymore.

Now that I am getting used to be alone, he waltzes in. I just don't understand why. We were together for a year and he never said I love you. One time he said he thought he might and recanted the statement the next day.

I am confused now why he came back. I have all these emotions that I am trying to forget and everytime he comes back I don't know what to do. Sometimes I feel like he does it just to hurt me. I feel like I lose control when he comes.

Does he have feeling for me still? Is this his slow way of having me around? Does he just want to move on? Should I just be his friend?

These are all questions that I am searching the answer for. I am not sure if I will find out anytime soon, but I do know that I do not want to be anyone's toy again.

Until Then,

*Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and blog a good one for you guys......


DJM said...

Blondie, I'm a semi new blogger, but have gotten wrapped up in yours pretty quickly. I know it is horrible to say but you know that saying "you don't know what you have until it's gone" ? maybe that is the case here. I think you should stay strong though. Why would you want to be with someone who obviously ignored your feelings for so long? You deserve the best! :)

Blondie said...

I am not sure what in him attracts me or why I keep trying. I have done more than my share of screw ups in the relationship though. he is not the only one at fault. I a, glad to know that you like my blog! I am a strong individual and will make it through. Sometimes, I blog impulse emotions. Seems to help me through better. I hope to hear more from you! People like you being interested is why I like to blog! You made my day!!!


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